7 Ways to Show Your Gratitude During Military Appreciation Month

Aaron Stevens |

May is Military Appreciation Month and the perfect time to express your gratitude to military members for their service. Whether you come from a military family or are just looking to show your appreciation for those who have served, there are many ways to show you care. Below are just a few ways to express your gratitude during Military Appreciation Month. 

1. Publicize Military Discounts

If your business participates in a military discount program or offers military appreciation discounts, make them public. Post on your social media and spread the word so military members know that they are able to get a discount and that your business recognizes their service. That could help them become loyal customers.1

2. Help Out a Military Family

If you know a military family in the area with a loved one deployed, consider stopping by to see if they need any assistance. Address it on social media or with a quick text. Military spouses often face many challenges, and a helping hand every now and then is often greatly appreciated, even if it is just taking the kids for a bit, so they have some "me" time.1

3. Send Out a Care Package

Many organizations work to provide soldiers overseas with the things they need and some of the comforts of home. Find an organization that pairs you with a deployed soldier and creates care packages to send over to them. Some organizations release wish lists as well. That lets you find out what the deployed individual may want and need so that you can include those specific items in the package you send.2

4. Help Maintain Your Local Veteran Cemetery

In some locales, veteran cemeteries ask for help in keeping the grounds clean and decorating with flags and flowers during military days of observance. Find out if your local veteran's cemetery could use assistance. Encourage local groups and organizations to help out as well.2

5. Donate to a Veteran Cause

Consider donating your time or some funds to a veteran's cause or charity. VA hospitals are sometimes looking for extra hands. Many veteran organizations need assistance with fundraising on a consistent basis. Find out some of the local causes and ask them what you may be able to do to help out. Consider a monetary donation to the charity or help raise funds for the charity locally.2

6. Fly Your Flag

One of the easiest ways to show respect and appreciation for those in the military is by showing your patriotism by flying the American flag at your home or place of business. The American flag is an important symbol of their sacrifices and a great way to make them feel supported.2

7. A Simple Thank You

A final way to show your appreciation this Military Appreciation month is by simply saying thank you to veterans and current service members for their service.2


14 Tips for Military Appreciation, Military.com, https://www.military.com/military-appreciation-month/4-military-appreciation-tips.html

2May is National Military Appreciation Month: 7 Ways to Celebrate, Veteranaid.org, https://www.veteranaid.org/blog/2016/05/11/may-is-national-military-appreciation-month-7-ways-to-celebrate/





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